NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Good afternoon r/Superstonk, Jellyfish here hoping everyone is having an awesome Friday afternoon! If you are curious how to set up an E t h e r u m wallet, this post is for you!

Setting up a Wallet

Personally, I use MetaMask in combination with a cold storage wallet. However, if you are first starting out, the expense for a cold storage wallet might not make sense. That's okay!

You can set up a MetaMask account that will give you an E t h e r u m address, you just wouldn't have the extra security factor (having to physically sign off on transactions with the cold wallet).

However, as long as you protect your MetaMask password and recovery key (seed) you should be just fine! Personally, I try to avoid typing my seed on any computer, as anyone who gains access to those words would be able to gain access to your wallet. Protect these like you would any other important documents (birth certificate, social security card, etc).

With that disclaimer out of the way, let's walk through setting up a wallet!

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is an Ethereum Browser and Ether wallet that interacts with E t h e r e u m Dapps and Smart Contracts without the user having to run a full Ethereum node. MetaMask add-on can be installed on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Brave.

For this example, I am going to walk setting up MetaMask via Chrome. The steps for other browsers should be similar, but happy to help try and assist if you run into any issues!

First, open Chome and navigate to the Chrome extension page and select 'Add to Chrome':

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

After clicking 'Add to Chrome' you will be presented with:

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Select 'Add extension'

Once installed, you should see:

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Select 'Get Started'

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Since we are setting up a wallet for the first time, we want to 'Create a Wallet'

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Select 'I Agree'

Next, you will be prompted to create a password for your MetaMask account. Personally, I use a password manager and had it generate a nice long and complicated password. Whatever you do, please avoid Password123 of something easily guessed!:

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Make it a strong password!

This next step is absolutely critical, please watch the video and be absolutely sure to protect your recovery phrase like it is stacks of money (because it is!). I would also avoid typing and saving it on a computer.

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

This video is well worth the watch

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Back them up! Then click 'Next' to confirm you have it all correct.

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Congratulations, you have now set up your wallet!

r/Superstonk - NFT Education Alert! Do you want to know how to set up an Ethereum wallet to buy an NFT or be prepared for whatever comes next with Come take a dive on setting up a MetaMask wallet.

Now you can fund your wallet! If you mine, you could set your rewards to hit the address. If you are going to buy from an exchange (C o i n b a s e, B i n a n c e, K r a k e n, etc), you could send the purchased E T H to your newly set up wallet address!

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