
Recession Alert! The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for the U.S. decreased by 0.4 percent in September 2022.

Recession Alert! The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for the U.S. decreased by 0.4 percent in September 2022. โ€œThe US LEI fell again in September and its persistent downward trajectory in recent months suggests a recession is increasingly likely before yearend,โ€ Source The Conference Board Leading Economic Indexยฎ
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿ“ˆ Macroeconomics

Recession Alert! According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased at an annual rate of 0.6 percent in the second quarter of 2022. In the first quarter, real GDP decreased 1.6 percent

Source The decrease in real GDP in the second quarter of 2022 occurred amid continued inflation, low unemployment, ongoing supply-chain challenges, and rising interest rates. The economic effects of these factors cannot be quantified in the GDP estimate for the second quarter, because the impacts are generally embedded in source
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Federal Reserve Alert! Fed's Evans: โ€œContinued increases in the funds rate along the lines of our September SEP could lead to a economic outlook where weโ€™re going to see below-trend growth--weโ€™ll be challenged in that regard...

Federal Reserve Alert! Fed's Evans: โ€œContinued increases in the funds rate along the lines of our September SEP could lead to a economic outlook where weโ€™re going to see below-trend growth--weโ€™ll be challenged in that regard--weโ€™ll see the unemployment rate go up, but I think
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿ“ˆ Macroeconomics