
“People keep talking about a Lehman moment, I keep thinking, you’re finally going to be able to get a bank merger. And whoever gets Credit Suisse is going to do quite well if you cordon off those losses because boy, that is some great franchise.”

“People keep talking about a Lehman moment, I keep thinking, you’re finally going to be able to get a bank merger. And whoever gets Credit Suisse is going to do quite well if you cordon off those losses because boy, that is some great franchise.” -Jim Cramer 10/3/
dismal-jellyfish 🤡 Meme

FINRA October 2022 disciplinary report: 'between August 2017 and May 2019, Morgan Stanley reported approximately 9.6 million transactions in National Market System (NMS) securities without a required short sale indicator.' Discipline? $250,000 fine.

Good morning r/Superstonk, I hope everyone's day is off to a great start. FINRA released its Disciplinary and Other FINRA Actions reported for October 2022. If you find this 'discipline' to be 'light', please consider dropping by
dismal-jellyfish 📰 News

The Consumer Confidence Index decreased in October. "Consumers’ expectations regarding the short-term outlook remained dismal."

The Consumer Confidence Index decreased in October. "Consumers’ expectations regarding the short-term outlook remained dismal. The Expectations Index is still lingering below a reading of 80—a level associated with recession—suggesting recession risks appear to be rising.” Source US Consumer Confidence Declined in October - Index Pulls Back
dismal-jellyfish 📈 Macroeconomics

SEC Alert! Commissioner Hester M. Peirce on Proposed rule 206(4)-11: I cannot support repackaging existing fiduciary obligations into a new set of prescriptions for investment advisers.

Source Thank you Chair Gensler. Investment advisers are fiduciaries to their clients, so why are we giving them step-by-step instructions on how to do their jobs? If we think Congress got it wrong—that investment advisers cannot, absent regulatory handholding, serve their clients faithfully—then we should tell Congress. The
dismal-jellyfish 📰 News

SEC Alert! The SEC voted today to adopt rule and form amendments to require mutual funds and exchange-traded funds to transmit concise and visually engaging shareholder reports...

SEC Alert! The SEC voted today to adopt rule and form amendments to require mutual funds and exchange-traded funds to transmit concise and visually engaging shareholder reports and to promote transparent and balanced presentations of fees and expenses in investment company advertisements. Source The Securities and Exchange Commission voted today
dismal-jellyfish 📰 News

SEC Alert! Commissioner Hester M. Peirce: What we are doing today—implementing the statutory clawbacks mandate—is commendable. But how we are doing it—expansively, inflexibly, and impractically—is not. Accordingly, I cannot vote to adopt this rule.

Source What we are doing today—implementing the statutory clawbacks mandate—is commendable. But how we are doing it—expansively, inflexibly, and impractically—is not. Accordingly, I cannot vote to adopt this rule. Section 954 of the Dodd-Frank Act generally requires the Commission to direct exchanges to require listed companies
dismal-jellyfish 📰 News

Sales of new single‐family houses in September 2022 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 603,000. This is 10.9 percent below the revised August rate of 677,000 and is 17.6 percent below the September 2021 estimate of 732,000.

Source New Home Sales Sales of new single‐family houses in September 2022 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 603,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 10.9 percent below the
dismal-jellyfish 📈 Macroeconomics