U.S. Economic Calendar Alert! (November 28th - December 2nd): This Week's Major U.S. Economic Reports, Fed Speakers, and Statements.

Good morning and happy Monday r/superstonk, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend for those that celebrated!

Please check back as this post will be updated as these indicators are released. If you would like to review last week's calendar, it can be viewed here. Thanks and I hope everyone has a terrific start to the week!


Time(ET) Report/Speech Period Previous Actual Superstonk Coverage:
12 New York Fed President John Williams speaks at the Economic Club of New York
12 St. Louis Fed President James Bullard interviewed by MarketWatch


Time(ET) Report/Speech Period Previous Actual Superstonk Coverage:
9am S&P Case-Shiller U.S. home price index Sept. -10.4% -8.7%
9am FHFA U.S. home price index Sept. -7.6% 0.9%
10am Consumer confidence index Nov. 102.5 100.2


Time(ET) Report/Speech Period Previous Actual Superstonk Coverage:
8:15am ADP employment report Nov. 239,000 127,000
8:30am Real GDP revision Q3 2.6% 2.9%
8:30am Real gross domestic income Q3 0.1% 0.3%
8:30am Real domestic final sales revision Q3 3.3% 0.9%
8:30am Trade in goods deficit (advance) Oct. -$92.2 billion -99.0 billion
8:50am Fed Gov. Michelle Bowman speaks on small bank
9:45am Chicago PMI Nov. 45.2 37.2
10am Job openings Oct. 10.7 million 10.3 million
10am Quits Oct. 4.1 million 4.0 million
10am Pending home sales index Oct. -10.2% -4.6%
12:25pm Fed Gov. Lisa Cook speaks at the Detroit Economic Club
1:30pm Fed Chair Jerome Powell speaks at the Brookings Institution
2pm Beige Book


Time(ET) Report/Speech Period Previous Actual Superstonk Coverage:
8:30am Initial jobless claims Nov. 26 240,000 225,000
8:30am Continuing jobless claims Nov. 19 1.55 million 1.61 million
8:30am PCE price index Oct. 0.3% 0.3%
8:30am Core PCE price index Oct. 0.5% 0.2%
8:30am PCE price index (year-on-year) Oct. 6.2% 6.0%
8:30am Core PCE price index (year-on-year) Oct. 5.1% 5.0%
8:30am Real disposable income Oct. 0.0% 0.4%
8:30am Real consumer spending Oct. 0.3% 0.5%
9:30am Fed Gov. Michelle Bowman speaks
9:45am S&P U.S. manufacturing PMI (final) Nov. 47.7
10am ISM manufacturing Index Nov. 50.2% 49.0%
10am Construction spending Oct. 0.2% -0.3%
3pm Fed Vice Chair Michael Barr speaks at the American Enterprise Institute
varies Motor vehicle sales Nov. 14.9 million 14.4 million


Time(ET) Report/Speech Period Previous Actual Superstonk Coverage:
8:30am Nonfarm payrolls Nov. 261,000 263,000
8:30am Unemployment rate Nov. 3.7% 3.7%
8:30am Average hourly earnings Nov. 0.4% 0.6%
8:30am Labor-force participation rate, 25 to 54-year-olds Nov. 82.5% 82.4%
10:15am Chicago Fed President Charles Evans speaks on regulation