๐Ÿค” Speculation / Opinion

NSCC is providing this notice to its Members to inform them of the planned implementation and effective date of October 2, 2023. Why? IDIOSYNCRATIC RISK!

NSCC is providing this notice to its Members to inform them of the planned implementation and effective date of October 2, 2023. Why? IDIOSYNCRATIC RISK!

Remember, VaR tinkers with the mechanics that would have defaulted Robinhood, Instinet, & Others 1/28/21. I believe this is a precursor to MOASS. Source: https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2023/8/25/a9333.pdf Previous post: MOASS Prediction: October 24, 2023 (a Tuesday): * The NSCC
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿค” Speculation / Opinion

I think today was big for the GameStop NFT Marketplace. A federal judge ruled in favor of crypto: "the economic reality is that a [retail] buyerโ€ฆdid not know to whom or what it was paying its money.โ€

A digital asset not a security when sold on digital-asset exchanges to the general public. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23873557/govuscourtsnysd5510828740.pdf Good evening, this is extremely complicated, still not completely decided, but I believe can be perceived as 'good news' for anyone with an interest in
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿค” Speculation / Opinion