
NYSE Alert! Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Extend the Current Pilot Program Related to Rule 7.10 (Clearly Erroneous Executions).

SR-NYSE-2022-31 34-95301 Comments due: 21 days after publication in the Federal Register Additional Materials: Exhibit 5 * Submit Comments on SR-NYSE-2022-31 The purpose of the proposed rule change is to extend the current pilot program related to Rule 7.10 (Clearly Erroneous Executions) to the close of business on October 20,

SEC Alert! SEC today announced awards totaling more than $6 million to two whistleblowers who provided critical information and assistance in two separate covered actions.

Source: In the first order, the SEC issued an award of more than $3 million to a whistleblower who was solicited to invest in a product that they believed was being misrepresented. The individual expeditiously alerted the SEC to the potential misconduct, which
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Inflation Alert! Kansas City Federal Reserve President Esther George says removing stimulus should be systematic and that the Central Bank should weigh asset sales to curb inflation.

Good afternoon r/Superstonk. Before diving into Esther George's interview in the Wall Street Journal, I would like to begin by trying to describe what the Fed is currently trying to pull off with a motorcycle analogy: In the prior crisis, the Fed slowed the motorcycle down by
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NSCC Alert! Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Adopt Intraday Volatility Charge and Eliminate Intraday Backtesting Charge.

SR-NSCC-2022-009 34-95286Additional Materials: Exhibit 5 * Submit Comments on SR-NSCC-2022-009 Purpose NSCC is proposing to enhance its Clearing Fund methodology by implementing an intraday volatility charge that may be collected by NSCC to mitigate the risks presented by Members’ adjusted intraday Net Unsettled Positions and Net Balance Order Unsettled Positions (“Net
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DTC Alert Can Kick Alert! Notice of Designation of Longer Period for Commission Action on a Proposed Rule Change to Amend the Stress Testing Framework and Liquidity Risk Management Framework

34-95282 34-95080 Additional Materials: Exhibit 3, Exhibit 5a and 5b Comments received are available for this proposal. What mean? The proposed rule change consists of amendments to the Clearing Agency Stress Testing Framework (Market Risk) (“ST Framework”) and the Clearing Agency Liquidity Risk Management Framework (“LRM Framework,” and, together with
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