Inflation Alert! Fresh off yesterday's report that confidence among homebuilders plummeted for a record 12th month in December, U.S. single-family homebuilding dropped to a 2.5-year low in November and permits for future construction nose dived.


Fresh off yesterday's report that confidence among homebuilders plummeted for a record 12th month in December, U.S. single-family homebuilding dropped to a 2.5-year low in November and permits for future construction nose dived.

2022 United States Building Permits

MonthBuilding permits
January1.841 million
February1.857 million
March1.879 million
April1.823 million
May1.695 million
June1.696 million
July1.685 million
August1.542 million
September1.564 million
October1.512 million
November1.342 million

As you can see, building permits in the United States are down 27.1% from January and 22.4% below November 2021. Permits, which act as a proxy for future construction, have been falling as soaring prices and rising mortgage rates hit demand and activity.

2022 United States Housing Starts

MonthBuilding permits
January1.666 million
February1.777 million
March1.716 million
April1.805 million
May1.562 million
June1.575 million
July1.377 million
August1.508 million
September1.465 million
October1.434 million
November1.427 million

Housing starts are down 14.35% compared to January and 16.4% below November 2021. Single-family starts are the weakest since February 2019, while single-family homebuilding decreased in the South and Midwest, usually thought of as more affordable regions of the United States, while it increased in the Northeast and West.

These numbers play out with the sinking confidence we saw yesterday in the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo housing market index.

Builder confidence in the market for newly built single-family homes posted its 12th straight monthly decline in December, dropping two points to 31, this is the lowest confidence reading since mid-2012, with the exception of the onset of the pandemic in the spring of 2020:

2022 National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo housing market index


Look at how confidence among single-family homebuilders has dropped this year, down 62.7% since January's reading of 83!


Remember, the Fed is attempting to slow inflation by bringing down demand for everything from housing to labor. The labor market has remained tight but the housing market has contracted for 6 straight quarters now.

However, higher mortgage rates + declining single-family homebuilding + declining inventory will likely mean MORE housing inflation as the above combination exacerbates an already savagely unhealthy housing market.