Howdy Ho Folks! Jellyfish here with a hypothesis to try on for some weekend fun, come take a dive with me and let me know what you think? The third time is the charm with automod? (maybe?)
First, gah... There goes that stupid sexy chairman again making me feel all tingly with butterflies and questioning the very meaning of sexuality--again.
Ok, with that elephant out of the room, I would like to leave this here and revisit it again after reviewing the rest of the 'evidence' of my hypothesis.
Next pieces of 'Evidence' for consideration:0:000:040:000:030:000:06
Ryan Cohen sure likes South Park! However, what if there could be more than meets the eye here?
I would now like to turn Ape's attention to this post (removing link because automod?) from u/SukhavaSquid. I want to thank them for the fun read of a post and borrow a bit from the Patrick Koch tweets:

Ok, if you are still with me (thank you for making it this far, I promise I am getting to it), I would like the jungle to keep everything above in mind while considering the following article and some excerpts pulled from it:

OK Jellyfish, what's so cool about another set of creators selling their IP you felt the need to make a damn post over?!?!? You better not be COMPLETELY wasting our time, get to it!

'New Concepts' and 'new characters' you say?
Uhhh, guys? don't Trey Parker and Matt Stone seem to have a lot in common with Ryan Cohen and how they both view the relationship with their respective communities and engagement? Further, isn't interesting that they were so prescient as to lockdown those future online rights and the setup they have with Park Country?!?!? I hope you can start to see where I am going with this...

Hmmm, we have creators who want to get fair value for their creation and now wanting to consolidate international rights (which is a hodgepodge mess at the moment) into one deal....
Uhh, Keith, Matt, Trey, can I please electronically introduce you to (if you haven't already met already!) Ryan Cohen from GameStop and is starting a little something that will help with just all of this!?!??):

Real quick, I would like to revisit some concepts from this post I made previously that I think could be at play here:

What if Ryan Cohen and GameStop via launched an NFT ICO for Park County's distribution rights?
ICO'sInitial Coin Offerings โICOโsโ can change the way we think about how video games are financed. ICOโs for proposed titles occur globally & online, which allows an exponentially higher number of investors, all while governance and control are maintained transparently and effectively by the DAO for the project. Can you imagine the revenue GameStop can generate for facilitating this development model?I do think the industry will be interested as all of these items are already why E t h e r e u m already has the attention of developers around the world.
OK, jellyfish, fun thought, but why would they ever consider such a thing?

Ok, a ton of highlighting in this section, a lot of cool stuff to unpack here:
Matt and Trey have $600 million they are looking to deploy in a documentary series, a weed company and a 3D video game that is set in the world of โSouth Park.โ
Uhh, remember that figuring parent we talked about above? Wouldnt that go great for creating physical items to go with NFTs they might sell in say a South Park metaverse powered by GameStop?!?
Also, the deepfake endeavor is REALLY interesting to me! Way back when I was a smaller jellyfish, I read somewhere that blockchain was going to help be a solution to deepfakes, since it would become impossible for humans to tell reality from ai fiction and the blockchain could act as an 'immutable timestamp of authenticity' of sorts.
Now, I don't believe Trey and Matt have nefarious plans for their deepfake endeavor (I am sure it is going to make me piss myself laughing), but how better to get ahead of any of the issues created from the stir they are bound to make with this tech than to partner with GameStop and have the authenticity angle between life and fiction worked out? Plus, could you imagine them ENHANCING Ryan Cohen's tweet from tonight further?
Adding, they are again looking to sell unique properties (stake in South Park, Book of Morman) and want to be fairly compensated. This just screams NFT! Heck, turn the whole operation into a DAO and they can really turn it over to the community to own!
Again though, they call out the importance of their audience and the work they have put into it. Guys, NFTs will make it an EVEN GREATER TIME TO BE AN INDEPENDENT DEALER!
There we have it, I think GameStop and Park County interests align in such a way that it would be a great partnership for both organizations and talks should begin right away (if they aren't underway already from RC's South Park 'hint tweets'). If discussions haven't started, I would love to be the intern that helps make sure everyone stays hydrated when/if they do!
TL:DR - I think Ryan Cohen's South Park tweets may be hinting at a potential future partnership with the South Park creators to help them NFT their assets. If that isn't true, it should be based on the article we reviewed together above!