-$71.8996 billion withdrawn from commercial banks in the last week (April 5th-April 12th). Since 2/22/2023, $511.37 billion in deposits have been pulled. $978.7387 billion in deposits has been pulled in the last year.

r/Superstonk - -$71.8996 billion withdrawn from commercial banks in the last week (April 5th-April 12th). Since 2/22/2023, $511.37 billion in deposits have been pulled. $978.7387 billion in deposits has been pulled in the last year. It looks like the Bank run is picking back up?


Domestically chartered commercial banks divested $87 billion in assets to nonbank institutions in the week ending March 29, 2023. The major asset item affected was the following: securities, $87 billion.

Domestically chartered commercial banks divested $87 billion in assets to nonbank institutions in the week ending March 22, 2023. The major asset items affected were the following: securities, $27 billion; and loans, $60 billion.

A little over a year ago (4/13/2022) the high was hit at $18,158.3536 billion

DateDeposits, All Commercial Banks (billions)
1/18/2023 (last week deposits increased previously)$17,783.7212
2/22/2023 (Run picks up speed)$17,690.9809

Folks have pulled $906.85 billion in deposits since 4/13/2022

Folks have pulled $439.48 billion in deposits since 2/22/2023

Folks have pulled $75.9185 billion in deposits since 3/22/2023

Folks have pulled $$71.8996 billion in deposits 4/5-4/12

At the same time:

$336.9408 billion as of 4/19 ($2,144 billion so far...): An update on the tools the Fed is using to give banks liquidity while 'we' get Inflation & Rate Hikes: Discount Window, Central Bank Liquidity Swaps, Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), โ€œOther credit extensionsโ€, & "Foreign Official"


  • Folks have pulled $978.7387 billion in deposits since 4/13/2022
  • Folks have pulled $511.37 billion in deposits since 2/22/2023
  • Folks have pulled $$71.8996 billion in deposits 4/5-4/12
  • It looks like the slow down was 'transitory' and the Bank run is picking up speed again?
r/Superstonk - -$71.8996 billion withdrawn from commercial banks in the last week (April 5th-April 12th). Since 2/22/2023, $511.37 billion in deposits have been pulled. $978.7387 billion in deposits has been pulled in the last year. It looks like the Bank run is picking back up?

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