๐ณ Social Media Vitalik on Twitter: The "centralized anything is evil by default, use defi and self-custody" ethos did very well this week, but remember that it too has risks: bugs in smart contract code. https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1592881305867685892 Reddit Post
Susanne Trimbath PhD on Twitter: Government takes ownership of failed bank then sells loan portfolio to the public. ๐ค Why does that sound so-o-o familiar? source: https://twitter.com/SusanneTrimbath/status/1643106003062513669 Reddit Post
foobar on Twitter: people don't appreciate decentralized bearer assets enough. decentralized - nobody else can adhoc modify it. bearer - if you hold it, it's yours. no counterparties. asset - socially accepted to have value. Reddit Post
Contagion spreading? Circle on Twitter: Silicon Valley Bank is one of six banking partners Circle uses for managing the ~25% portion of USDC reserves held in cash. Reddit Post