๐Ÿค” Speculation / Opinion

2/5's do not collect margin

September 2023 Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey, special questions about trading of zero-days-to-expiry (0DTE) options: "Two-fifths of the dealers do not collect margin on 0DTE options."

Highlights: * Approximately two-fifths of dealers, on net, reported that they had increased the resources and attention they devoted to managing their concentrated credit exposure to other dealers and other financial intermediaries over the past three months--highest since June 2020. * Approximately one-fourth of dealers, on net, indicated increased funding demand for
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿค” Speculation / Opinion
"Similar to the role of securitization during the GFC, tokenization can potentially disguise riskier or illiquid reference assets as safe and easily tradeable, possibly encouraging higher leverage and risk-taking."

"Similar to the role of securitization during the GFC, tokenization can potentially disguise riskier or illiquid reference assets as safe and easily tradeable, possibly encouraging higher leverage and risk-taking."

TLDRS: Are the authors from the Fed saying the quite part out loud? Tokenized GME can potentially disguise riskier or illiquid reference assets as safe and easily tradeable, possibly encouraging higher leverage and risk-taking?!?!?!?! * "Finally, similar to the role of securitization during the GFC, tokenization can potentially disguise riskier
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿค” Speculation / Opinion