Self-Regulatory Organization Rule Alert! CEEU Order Granting Approval of Proposed Rule Change, Relating to the Clearing Rules, Clearing Procedures, Finance Procedures, Delivery Procedures, CDS Procedures, Membership Procedures, Complaint Resolution Proced
ICEEU: Order Granting Approval of Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Partial Amendment No. 1, Relating to the Clearing Rules, Clearing Procedures, Finance Procedures, Delivery Procedures, CDS Procedures, Membership Procedures, Complaint Resolution Procedures, and General Contract Terms (Release No. 34-92786; File No. SR-ICEEU-2021-010)
This one is 68 pages, will take some time before there is any sort of summary.
In Rule 907(d), the proposed rule change would delete existing references to Default Portability Preference and Non-Transfer Positions, and would instead provide that in connection with porting, ICE Clear Europe will be entitled to rely on any information provided to it by a Defaulter prior to declaration of default in respect of Contracts, Customer-CM Transactions, Margin, and the Accounts in which Contracts and Margin were recorded or which relate to particular Customers or particular groups of Customers. ICE Clear Europe represents that this proposed change would allow it to continue to be able to act efficiently in default scenarios, and rely on more of the relevant information available to it in relation to the Defaulter. The proposed rule change to Rule 907(b) would also clarify that ICE Clear Europe has no obligation to inquire of any person as to any Porting Notice.