SEC Commission Notice Alert! Notice of Application for the Amendment of Substituted Compliance Determination (Release No. 34-92647; File No. S7-08-21) to, in part, extend the Order to nonbank capital and margin requirements (the “Amended Application”).

Notice of Application for the Amendment of Substituted Compliance Determination (Release No. 34-92647; File No. S7-08-21; August 12, 2021)

r/Superstonk - SEC Commission Notice Alert! Notice of Application for the Amendment of Substituted Compliance Determination (Release No. 34-92647; File No. S7-08-21) to, in part, extend the Order to nonbank capital and margin requirements (the “Amended Application”).

Is 130 pages of goodness to dig into...

Appears to be a follow up to this:

Reddit Post