SEC Alert! The SEC today reopened the comment period on proposed amendments intended to modernize and improve the disclosure required about an issuer’s repurchases of its equity securities, often referred to as buybacks.
Proposed Rule:
The Securities and Exchange Commission today reopened the comment period on proposed amendments intended to modernize and improve the disclosure required about an issuer’s repurchases of its equity securities, often referred to as buybacks.
The Commission is reopening the comment period because, after the proposed amendments were published for public comment, The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was enacted. The law imposes upon certain corporations a non-deductible excise tax equal to one percent of the fair market value of any stock of the corporation repurchased by such corporation during the taxable year. As a result, the Commission staff has prepared a memorandum that discusses potential economic effects of the new excise tax that may be helpful in evaluating the proposed amendments.
The amendments were initially proposed by the Commission in December 2021, and the comment period for the proposal was reopened in October 2022. The staff memorandum is available for review as part of the public comment file. The public comment period will remain open for 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.
How is this related to GME? Some folks have speculated GME could conduct a share buyback at some point in the future, giving holders a vested interest in working to understand the proposed rules and consider commenting?