Rule Alert! CboeBZX Notice of Withdrawal of a Proposed Rule Change to Exclude a National Best Bid or Offer from the Calculation of the BZX Official Closing Price, as Provided in Rule 11.23(c)(2)(B)(ii)(b), That is Outside the Bands Provided Under the Plan

CboeBZX: Notice of Withdrawal of a Proposed Rule Change to Exclude a National Best Bid or Offer from the Calculation of the BZX Official Closing Price, as Provided in Rule 11.23(c)(2)(B)(ii)(b), That is Outside the Bands Provided Under the Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility (Release No. 34-92719; File No. SR-CboeBZX-2021-036; August 20, 2021)

r/Superstonk - Rule Alert! CboeBZX Notice of Withdrawal of a Proposed Rule Change to Exclude a National Best Bid or Offer from the Calculation of the BZX Official Closing Price, as Provided in Rule 11.23(c)(2)(B)(ii)(b), That is Outside the Bands Provided Under the Plan to Address Extraordinary โ€ฆ

r/Superstonk - Rule Alert! CboeBZX Notice of Withdrawal of a Proposed Rule Change to Exclude a National Best Bid or Offer from the Calculation of the BZX Official Closing Price, as Provided in Rule 11.23(c)(2)(B)(ii)(b), That is Outside the Bands Provided Under the Plan to Address Extraordinary โ€ฆ

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