
Federal Reserve Alert! Governor Christopher J. Waller in Speech: "monetary policy works mostly by influencing the public's view of financial and economic conditions well into the future, affecting spending and investment decisions."

So much for the invisible hand, he prefers to just guide it? Highlights: On Recent Policy Actions Waller supported the decision to keep the policy rate (the interest rate at which banks lend to each other) the same in June. * He felt
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SEC Alert! SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce on Today's Money Market Fund Reforms: "I could have supported the final money market fund rule if we had been equally prudent with respect to other elements of the rule." "Accordingly, I will be voting no today Thank you, Chair Gensler. ย I am pleased that we are removing the tie between liquid asset thresholds and fees and gates and that we are not moving forward with swing pricing. ย I could have supported the final money market fund rule if we
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Federal Reserve Alert! Beige Book July 12, 2023: "many contacts reported an inability to fully pass on increased costs to consumers, which has compressed margins." Is the 'Greedflation' Peak in Sight? Economic Activity * Overall economic activity increased slightly since late May. * Five Districts reported slight or modest growth, five noted no change, and two reported slight and modest declines. * Reports on consumer spending were mixed; growth was generally observed in consumer services, but some
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿ“ˆ Macroeconomics

SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce: "I support proposing to amend Exchange Act rule 15c3-3 to decrease the likelihood of customer losses in the event of a broker-dealer failure."

"I support proposing to amend Exchange Act rule 15c3-3 to decrease the likelihood of customer losses in the event of a broker-dealer failure. Rule 15c3-3 effectively segregates customer activity from a broker-dealerโ€™s proprietary activity." Thank you, Mr. Chair. ย I support
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Whistleblower Alert! SEC Awards Whistleblower More Than $9 Million. Whistleblower awards can range from 10% to 30% of the money collected when the monetary sanctions exceed $1 million. Therefore, the fine that was levied would range from $30 to $9 million Payments to whistleblowers are made out of an investor protection fund, established by Congress, which is financed entirely through monetary sanctions paid to the SEC by securities law violators. No money has been taken or withheld from harmed investors to pay
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SEC Alert! SEC Proposes Rule Amendments to the Broker-Dealer Customer Protection Rule. SEC Proposes Daily Reserve Computations for Broker-Dealers.

Source: Summary: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is proposing a change to the broker-dealer customer protection rule. * The proposed amendment would require certain broker-dealers to perform their customer and broker-dealer reserve computations and make any required deposits into their reserve
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