
SEC Alert! Commissioner Hester M. Peirce is against today's proposed rules that govern when public companies must include shareholder proposals in their proxy statements. Is anyone surprised by her position?

Source: I appreciate the staffโ€™s diligence, graciousness, professionalism, and hard work throughout this rulemaking process. Staffโ€™s valuable time, however, could have been put to better use. For example, staff could have worked immediately on addressing outstanding issues around proxy plumbing and,
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Ruh Roh! Mortgage Applications Decrease in Latest MBA Weekly Survey: -4% week-to-week, -18% year-over-year ( below 2008 levels ), 4 week moving average down -17.25%.

Ruh Roh! Mortgage Applications Decrease in Latest MBA Weekly Survey: -4% week-to-week, -18% year-over-year ( below 2008 levels ), 4 week moving average down -17.25%. After reaching a record $460,000 in March 2022, the average purchase loan size was $415,000 last week. Source:
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SEC Alert! SEC Adopts Amendments to Proxy Rules Governing Proxy Voting Advice Amendments Address Concerns by Investors and Others Regarding Rules That May Impair the Timeliness and Independence of Proxy Voting Advice.

Source: The final amendments rescind two rules applicable to proxy voting advice businesses that the Commission adopted in 2020. Specifically, the final amendments rescind conditions to the availability of two exemptions from the proxy rulesโ€™ information and filing requirements on which proxy voting
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Federal Reserve Alert! Beige Book, or informal review by the Federal Reserve Banks of current economic conditions in their Districts released today. Several Districts reported growing signs of a slowdown in demand, and contacts in five Districts noted con

National Summary Full Report * Federal Reserve Bank of Boston * Federal Reserve Bank of New York * Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia * Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland * Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond * Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta * Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Federal Reserve Bank of
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