
SEC Alert! Special filing with Federal Register: SEC submits notice for the 11th CLOSED door meeting this year via the Sunshine Act for 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 23, 2023.

Source: Recent CLOSED door meetings: 3/16: 3/9: 3/2: https://www.reddit.
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿ“ฐ News

How did we get here? Reviewing how Credit Suisse, a bank that lost $7.8 billion last year, is being rescued by the Swiss National Bank that lost $143 billion last year. Spoiler Alert: it's the Fed.

Good morning, resident jellyfish back again! Folks seemed to appreciate the last recap and I have been seeing a few threads from folks trying to wrap their head around on what is transpiring with Credit Suisse and the Swiss National Bank over the past day or so: https://www.reddit.
dismal-jellyfish ๐Ÿ“ˆ Macroeconomics

SEC Alert! SEC Proposes to Expand and Update Regulation SCI to include registered security-based swap data repositories

all clearing agencies that are exempt from registration; and certain large broker-dealers, in particular, those that exceed a total assets threshold or a transaction activity. Proposed Rule (410 pages): The Securities and Exchange Commission (โ€œCommissionโ€ or โ€œSECโ€) is proposing amendments to Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity (โ€œRegulation SCIโ€) under the
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SEC Alert! Press Release SEC Proposes New Requirements to Address Cybersecurity Risks to the U.S. Securities Markets.

Proposed Rule (530 pages): Cybersecurity Risk Management Rule for Broker-Dealers, Clearing Agencies, Major Security-Based Swap Participants, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, National Securities Associations, National Securities Exchanges, Security-Based Swap Data Repositories, Security-Based Swap Dealers, and Transfer Agents Finally, the Commission is proposing amendments to address the potential availability to security-based
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CFTC Alert! Chairman Rostin Behnam: 'Underlying all of these themes is the need for our ruleset to address the derivatives industryโ€™s current trajectory.' 'Several proposed rulemakings underway will aim to address these risks'

Source: I am going to include a few images from interesting sections of the speech with commentary, the full speech is below. enhancing risk management and resilience across intermediaries, exchanges, and derivatives clearing organizations Interesting. improving reporting and data policy Yeah, releasing that
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