Office of Inspector General Alert! The Inspector General’s Statement on the SEC’s Management and Performance Challenges, October 2022. For FY 2021 the agency's information security program did not meet accepted reporting metrics' definition of "effective"


As we begin fiscal year 2023, we again identified the following as areas where the SEC faces management and performance challenges to varying degrees:

Meeting Regulatory Oversight Responsibilities

Protecting Systems and Data

Improving Contract Management

Ensuring Effective Human Capital Management
We met with managers from the SEC’s divisions of Trading and Markets, Investment Management, Corporation Finance, and Economic and Risk Analysis, some of whom raised concerns about increased risks and difficulties managing resources and other mission-related work because of the increase in the SEC’s rulemaking activities. For example, some reported an overall increase in attrition (discussed further on page 21 of this document) and difficulties hiring individuals with rulemaking experience. In the interim, managers reported relying on detailees, in some cases with little or no experience in rulemaking. Others told us that they may have not received as much feedback during the rulemaking process, either as a result of shortened timelines during the drafting process or because of shortened public comment periods. Although no one we met with identified errors that had been made, some believed that the more aggressive agenda—particularly as it relates to high-profile rules that significantly impact external stakeholders—potentially (1) limits the time available for staff research and analysis, and (2) increases litigation risk. Finally, some managers noted that fewer resources have been available to complete other mission-related work, as rulemaking teams have borrowed staff from other organizational areas to assist with rulemaking activities.
28% of FY2023 budget is requested for contractors--nearly 1/3 of agency's annual budget.

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