Hey GameStop, today the U.S. Department of Labor today announced $92.6 million in funding to 47 states to provide training and employment services to eligible workers affected adversely by foreign trade. Get that sweet government cheddar and help communit

Administered by the department’s Employment and Training Administration, the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Program supports training, employment and case management services, job search and relocation allowances, and income support during training. In addition, the program provides a subsidy to workers, aged 50 or older, whose reemployment wages are lower than the wages earned in their prior trade-affected employment. This distribution follows an initial allocation of $240.8 million provided to states in January 2021.

Congress did not reauthorize the TAA program by its June 30 deadline. On July 1, the program reverted to its previous version, referred to as Reversion 2021. Without reauthorization, much of the TAA funding will end upon the program's termination on June 30, 2022.

State Amount State Amount
Alabama $1,632,935 Nebraska $437,977
Arizona $479,753 Nevada $143,480
Arkansas $1,261,244 New Hampshire $203,480
California $7,683,506 New Jersey $2,091,610
Colorado $593,680 New Mexico $1,300,265
Connecticut $1,138,733 New York $3,022,234
Florida $859,812 North Carolina $1,403,839
Georgia $1,883,810 North Dakota $86,749
Hawaii $36,432 Ohio $3,910,341
Idaho $448,609 Oklahoma $786,704
Illinois $4,161,702 Oregon $7,793,222
Indiana $4,332,215 Pennsylvania $6,985,553
Iowa $1,195,824 Rhode Island $91,607
Kansas $3,237,854 South Carolina $1,536,609
Kentucky $1,912,535 South Dakota $552,005
Louisiana $208,405 Tennessee $1,412,834
Maine $139,317 Texas $4,856,832
Maryland $1,082,236 Utah $1,217,461
Massachusetts $2,968,124 Vermont $138,236
Michigan $3,489,413 Virginia $1,891,754
Minnesota $3,361,887 Washington $5,193,812
Mississippi $80,783 West Virginia $1,370,490
Missouri $2,087,089 Wisconsin $1,891,441
Montana $26,767
Total $92,621,200 Total Available in State's GameStop has a fulfillment facility $19,092,212


TL:DR - Get that sweet government cheddar and help communities out at the same time?

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