FINRA is requesting comments on short sale reporting! FINRA is considering: 1. modifications to its short interest reporting 2. require that participants of a registered clearing agency report to FINRA information on allocations to correspondent firms of

FINRA is requesting comment on potential enhancements to its short sale reporting program in Regulatory Notice 21-19. FINRA is considering: (1) modifications to its short interest reporting requirements (Rule 4560); (2) a new rule to require that participants of a registered clearing agency report to FINRA information on allocations to correspondent firms of fail-to-deliver positions; and (3) other potential enhancements related to short sale activity.

The comment period has been extended to September 30, 2021.

Comments must be submitted through one of the following methods:

  • online using FINRAโ€™s comment form for this Notice;
  • emailing comments to [email protected]; or
  • mailing comments in hard copy to:
  • Jennifer Piorko Mitchell
    Office of the Corporate Secretary
    1735 K Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20006-1506

Important Notes: Comments received in response to Regulatory Notices will be made available to the public on the FINRA website. In general, comments will be posted as they are received.

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