FINRA Alert! The third-quarter data tables for the TRACE Fact Book are now available. The tables include aggregated information for securitized products as well as corporate and agency debt securities, including trades reported, the top 50 issues by trade


The TRACE Fact Bookโ€”based on aggregated data as entered into the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)โ€”is intended to give a historical perspective of the over-the-counter (OTC) U.S. corporate bond, agency debenture, asset-backed and mortgage backed security markets.

The third-quarter data tables for the TRACE Fact Book are now available. The tables include aggregated information for securitized products as well as corporate and agency debt securities, including trades reported, the top 50 issues by trades and by par value, the average daily par value traded, customer buy vs. customer sell ratios and more.

3rd Quarter:

Corporate Bond Tables (Excel 740 KB)

Agency Debt Tables (Excel 235 KB)

Securitized Product Tables (Excel 1.5 MB)


FINRA has observed a number of TRACE and ORF clients experiencing problems submitting transactions to TRAQS. Users are presented with an error related to the connection attempt. FIX trade reporting is unaffected by this issue. FINRA is currently researching the problem.

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