FICC - GOV Alert! Effective Monday, August 1, 2022, the Government Securities Division will introduce a validation check for the Executing Firm field on all transactions submitted to the Real-Time Trade Matching (“RTTM®”) Web application.


Effective Monday, August 1, 2022, the Government Securities Division (“GSD”) of the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (“FICC”) will introduce a validation check for the Executing Firm field on all transactions submitted to the Real-Time Trade Matching (“RTTM®”) Web application. The new validation will systemically validate any data that is populated in the Executing Firm field to ensure that the data matches established and documented relationships between the Submitting Member and the Executing Firm code (“Ticker”) that is included on the trade submission. If there is a documented relationship, the transaction will process normally.

If the system is not able to validate the relationship between the Submitting Member and the Ticker entered in the Executing Firm field because no relationship exists in the system, the transaction will be rejected. For the transaction to process, the Submitting Member would need to remove the data in the Executing Firm field or provide the necessary documentation that establishes the relationship between itself and the client associated with the Ticker before the transaction can be validated and processed in the RTTM Web application.

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