Federal Reserve Alert! Statement Regarding the Publication of Reverse Repo Operation Results by Counterparty Type

Reddit Beginning May 6, 2022, the Open Market Trading Desk (the Desk) at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will increase the reporting frequency of Overnight Reverse Repo (ON RRP) awards by counterparty type. Specifically, the Propositions Accepted by Counterparty Type published in the historical Reverse Repo Operations results will be released monthly, with one-month lagged data. This information has previously been published quarterly, with a one-quarter data lag. The increase in the publication frequency of this data is intended to improve transparency around the use of the ON RRP facility.
To accommodate this change, the Desk has now published Accepted Propositions by Counterparty Type for all reverse repo operations through March 2022. Going forward, monthly data will be released at the start of each month, beginning with the release of April 2022 data in early June. Please see the Reverse Repo FAQs for further details.