Federal Reserve Alert! Regulatory Reform communications with the public categories: Systemic Designations, Enhanced Prudential Standards, and Banking Supervision and Regulation, Derivatives Markets and Products, Interchange Fees, Payments, Settlement..
Federal Reserve Alert! Regulatory Reform communications with the public categories: Systemic Designations, Enhanced Prudential Standards, and Banking Supervision and Regulation, Derivatives Markets and Products, Interchange Fees, Payments, Settlement and Clearing Activities and Utilities, and more.
Source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/regreform/communications-with-public.htm
Communications With The Public
- The Federal Reserve Board will be involved in many rulemakings to implement the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.
- During the rulemaking process, meetings will take place between the Board and the public--representatives of bank organizations, consumer groups, trade associations, researchers and academics--that allow the Board to gather information and help educate the public on matters subject to agency rulemaking.
- The meetings contribute to an informed rulemaking process.
- To help ensure the process is conducted in a fair, open, and transparent manner, Federal Reserve staff who communicate with the public on any matter subject to potential or proposed rulemaking under the Act will submit a written summary of the meeting or other contact.
- Systemic Designations, Enhanced Prudential Standards, and Banking Supervision and Regulation
- Derivatives Markets and Products
- Interchange Fees
- Payments, Settlement and Clearing Activities and Utilities
- Consumer Financial Protection
- Resolution Framework
Derivatives Markets And Products:
- Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, HSBC, and Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (PDF) 10/9/2015 Meeting
- HSBC (PDF) 10/8/2015 Conference Call
- Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (PDF) 7/31/2015 Meeting
- International Swaps and Derivatives Association (PDF) 7/30/2015 Conference Call
- SIFMA (PDF) 7/27/2015 Meeting
- SIFMA Asset Management Group (PDF)6/10/2015Meeting
- SIFMA (PDF)5/27/2015Meeting
- William Harrington and Richard Michalek (PDF)5/12/2015Conference Call
- American Bankers Association, ABA Securities Association, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, and The Clearing House (PDF)4/23/2015Meeting
- Structured Finance Industry Group and Certain of its Members (PDF)4/21/2015Conference Call
- State Street Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon, and The Northern Trust Corporation (PDF)4/14/2015Conference Call
- Investment Company Institute and Certain of its Members (PDF)3/31/2015Conference Call
- SIFMA (PDF)3/24/2015Conference Call
- Ernst & Young (PDF)3/23/2015Meeting
- SIMFA (PDF)3/17/2015Meeting
- Managed Funds Association (PDF)2/9/2015Conference Call
- Global Pension Coalition (PDF)2/3/2015Meeting
- American Council of Life Insurers (PDF)1/8/2015Meeting
- International Swaps and Derivatives Association (PDF)12/12/2014Meeting
- KfW (PDF)12/3/2014Meeting
- Standard Chartered (PDF)04/29/2013Meeting
- Representatives of J.P. Morgan (PDF)03/11/2013Meeting
- Scotiabank (PDF)03/08/2013Meeting
- International Swaps and Derivatives Association (PDF)02/25/2013Meeting
- Barclays Capital (PDF)01/30/2013Meeting
- The World Bank (PDF)12/13/2012Meeting
- Goldman Sachs (PDF)12/07/2012Meeting
- KfW Representatives (PDF)12/05/2012Meeting
- National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (PDF)11/30/2012Meeting
- Institute of International Bankers (PDF)11/29/2012Meeting
- State Street Bank & Trust Meeting (PDF)11/20/2012Meeting
- The Clearinghouse Association (PDF)10/22/2012Meeting
- Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. (PDF)10/16/2012Meeting
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) Staff and Representatives from Tullett Prebon (PDF)07/23/2012Meeting
- Foreign Banking Organizations (PDF)07/09/2012Meeting
- Institute of International Bankers (PDF)06/25/2012Meeting
- European Investment Bank (PDF)06/20/2012Meeting
- Citigroup Inc. (PDF)06/11/2012Meeting
- American Council of Life Insurers (PDF)05/23/2012Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)05/10/2012Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)05/03/2012Meeting
- American Bankers Association and the Global Financial Markets Association (PDF)04/30/2012Meeting
- MFA Meeting (PDF)04/24/2012Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)04/05/2012Meeting
- Institute of International Bankers Meeting (PDF)04/02/2012Meeting
- American Bankers Association Securities Association Meeting (PDF)03/13/2012Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)03/01/2012Meeting
- American Benefits Council and Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets (PDF)03/01/2012Meeting
- American Benefits Council and Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets (PDF)02/23/2012Letter
- Viking Sparks, Lubbock National Bank and the Independent Community Bankers of America (PDF)02/16/2012Meeting
- Deutsche Bank (PDF)02/13/2012Meeting
- JP Morgan (PDF)02/13/2012Meeting
- Citigroup (PDF)02/10/2012Meeting
- Morgan Stanley (PDF)02/10/2012Meeting
- PNC (PDF)02/10/2012Meeting
- SunTrust (PDF)02/10/2012Meeting
- Wells Fargo (PDF)02/10/2012Meeting
- Bank of America (PDF)02/09/2012Meeting
- Barclays (PDF)02/09/2012Meeting
- Goldman Sachs (PDF)02/09/2012Meeting
- HSBC (PDF)02/09/2012Meeting
- Bank of New York (PDF)02/06/2012Meeting
- Credit Suisse (PDF)02/06/2012Meeting
- State Street (PDF)02/06/2012Meeting
- UBS (PDF)02/06/2012Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)02/02/2012Meeting
- ISDA (PDF)02/02/2012Meeting
- Managed Funds Association (PDF)1/26/2012Meeting
- Nomura meeting (PDF)01/18/2012Meeting
- Citadel Meeting (PDF) 01/11/2012 Meeting
- JPMC Meeting (PDF)01/11/2012Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)01/05/2012Meeting
- MFX Solutions (PDF)01/04/2012Meeting
- Barclays Capital (PDF)12/14/2011Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)12/05/2011Meeting
- National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (PDF)11/30/2011Meeting
- Representatives of PIMCO (PDF)11/17/2011Meeting
- DE Shaw Meeting (PDF)11/17/2011Meeting
- SIFMA Capital (PDF)11/09/2011Meeting
- JPMC Capital (PDF)11/08/2011Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)11/03/2011Meeting
- Morgan Stanley Meeting (PDF)11/03/2011Meeting
- Barclays Capital (PDF)10/27/2011Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group (PDF)10/06/2011Meeting
- Coalition of Derivatives End Users (PDF)10/06/2011Meeting
- ODFR Meeting (PDF)10/04/2011Meeting
- Tullett Prebon Meeting (PDF)10/04/2011Meeting
- ICBA Meeting (PDF)09/28/2011Meeting
- DTCC Meeting (PDF)09/28/2011Meeting
- Westpac Meeting (PDF)09/27/2011Meeting
- CFC Meeting (PDF)09/06/2011Meeting
- Goldman Sachs Meeting (PDF)08/15/2011Meeting
- TriOptima Meeting (PDF)08/11/2011Meeting
- Morgan Stanley Meeting (PDF)08/04/2011Meeting
- JPMorgan Chase (PDF)06/28/2011Meeting
- Representatives of the Coalition of Derivatives End-Users (PDF)06/20/2011Meeting
- American Benefits Council (PDF)06/17/2011Meeting
- Ford Motor Company (PDF)06/09/2011Meeting
- Siemens Corporation (PDF)06/07/2011Meeting
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch (PDF)06/06/2011Meeting
- FMLG (PDF)05/26/2011Meeting
- FXC and OMWG (PDF)05/25/2011Meeting
- FMLG (PDF)05/23/2011Meeting
- Noble Energy (PDF)05/11/2011Meeting
- Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Meeting (PDF)05/10/2011Meeting
- FMLG (PDF)05/05/2011Meeting
- Rabobank Meeting (PDF)04/11/2011Meeting
- Association for Financial Markets in Europe (PDF)03/30/2011Meeting
- Coalition of Derivatives End Users (PDF)03/08/2011Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group Meeting (PDF)03/03/2011Meeting
- BOK FC Meeting (PDF)02/09/2011Meeting
- Financial Markets Lawyers Group Meeting (PDF) 02/03/2011 Meeting
- PIMCO Meeting (PDF) 02/02/2011 Meeting
- OTC Industry Meeting (PDF) 01/27/2011Meeting
- Foreign Exchange Workgroup Meeting (PDF) 01/19/2011 Meeting
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange Meeting (PDF) 01/12/2011Meeting
- LCHClearnet Meeting (PDF) 12/15/2010 Meeting
- Ramius Capital Meeting (PDF) 12/01/2010 Meeting
- Derivatives End Users Meeting (PDF) 11/30/2010 Meeting
- Derivatives End Users Meeting (PDF) 11/22/2010 Meeting
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Letter 1 (PDF) 11/20/2010 Communication
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Letter 2 (PDF) 11/20/2010 Communication
- Foreign Exchange Committee Meeting (PDF)11/05/2010Meeting
- London Clearing House Meeting (PDF) 11/4/2010 Meeting
- ODRF Meeting (PDF) 11/2/2010 Meeting
- Foreign Exchange Committee Meeting (PDF) 10/14/2010 Meeting
- Tradeweb Meeting (PDF) 09/16/2010Meeting
- UBS Meeting (PDF) 09/16/2010 Meeting
- CLS Bank Meeting (PDF) 09/07/2010 Meeting
- DTCC Meeting (PDF) 08/26/2010 Meeting
- UBS and TriOptima Meeting (PDF) 08/26/2010Meeting
- CME Meeting (PDF) 08/24/2010 Meeting
- Coalition of Derivatives End-Users Meeting (PDF) 08/20/2010 Meeting
- Goldman Sachs Meeting (PDF) 08/19/2010 Meeting
- Citigroup Meeting (PDF) 08/18/2010 Meeting
- TriOptima Meeting (PDF) 08/17/2010Meeting
- Barclays Capital Meeting (PDF) 08/09/2010 Meeting
- During the rulemaking process, meetings will take place between the Board and the public--representatives of bank organizations, consumer groups, trade associations, researchers and academics--that allow the Board to gather information and help educate the public on matters subject to agency rulemaking.
- The meetings contribute to an informed rulemaking process.
- To help ensure the process is conducted in a fair, open, and transparent manner, Federal Reserve staff who communicate with the public on any matter subject to potential or proposed rulemaking under the Act will submit a written summary of the meeting or other contact.
- Citadel Meeting (PDF) 01/11/2012 Meeting