FDIC Alert! GDIC seeking information and comments regarding the application of the laws, practices, rules, regulations, guidance, and statements of policy (regulatory framework) that apply to merger transactions involving one or more insured (or not)


Copy of the Request for Information (RFI)

What mean?

  • The FDIC is gathering information and soliciting comments regarding the application of the laws, practices, rules, regulations, guidance, and statements of policy that apply to merger transactions involving one or more insured depository institution, including the merger between an insured depository institution and a noninsured institution.
  • Significant changes over the past several decades in the banking industry and financial system necessitate a review of the regulatory framework.
  • The FDIC is interested in receiving comments regarding the effectiveness of the existing framework in meeting the requirements of section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (known as the Bank Merger Act).
  • This RFI is intended to help inform the FDICโ€™s understanding and any potential policymaking in this area.
  • Comments are due within 60 days of publication in the Federal Register.

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