DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators'

DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators'
"for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging called out as well!


  • DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default."
  • Hedging called out as a trigger to monitor as well?
  • Comments due by October 5th!
r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …

Source: https://public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2023-19841.pdf

r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …
r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …
r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …
r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …

They want higher signoff on this stuff....

r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …
r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …

Hedging going to be added as a trigger to monitor?!?...

r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …
r/Superstonk - DTC & OPEN for Comment Alert! DTC seeking 'warning indicators': "for example, the effectiveness and speed of DTC’s efforts to liquidate Collateral securities, and an impediment to the availability of DTC’s resources to repay any borrowings due to any Participant Default." Hedging …

How to comment:

  • Use the Commission’s internet comment form (https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml);
  • Email [email protected]. Please include file number SR-DTC-2023-008 on the subject line.
  • Send comments only via 1 method
  • Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions; you should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly.
  • Comments due by October 5th!

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