๐ฌ๐ง Chasing the UK Digitisation Taskforce - A New Hope.
The UK are modernising the shareholding framework, and household investors want in on the action. Will the new government succeed in championing our inclusion where the previous one failed?

Right so in case you need to catch up with where we are, TL;DR is as followed:
- UK Digitisation Taskforce had a meeting to provide an update on what's going on.
- It was scheduled for 14th June.
- We missed it.
- UK GOV haven't updated the online platform with said update: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digitisation-taskforce
- We are now following up to ensure that they do not opt for the mandatory removal of ownership of shares as they are moved into a Central Securities Depository (CSD).
- โ ๏ธ AKA making shareholders the beneficiary holders of their own assets.
Check out more in: PART ONE / PART TWO

OK, so a quick look at life in the UK.
In-keeping with the rules of the sub - no politics - we loosely gloss over the fact that the Conservative Party were voted out, and the Labour Party were voted in.
Which means the UK now have a new government in power that we can appeal to as we fight to be included with the ongoing discussion regarding shareholder ownership of assets with the UK Digitisation Taskforce.
So here's hoping we can start off on the right foot with this new governing power.

๐ฌ๐งUK Shareholders - it's really easy to contact your local MP.
You simply click on the link here:
๏ธ โก https://www.writetothem.com/ โฌ

And follow the instructions - in four easy steps:
- Enter Postcode
- Choose Representative
- Write Message
- Send
You can send them some variation of this email template:
To [MP name],
I hope this finds you well,
I'm a resident of your constituency and wanted to follow up with the recent update as shared by the UK Digitisation Taskforce.
On Friday 14th June, 2024 - a meeting took place on the following platform: https://www.sima.org.uk/index.php/events/forthcoming-event/event/digitisation-taskforce-update to discuss the surrounding conversation of modernising the UKโs shareholding framework.
Unfortunately, due to insufficient notification about the scheduled event and restrictions in the accessing said platform, I was unable to attend - as were many other shareholders within the UK.
I hope you agree that we need to address this issue to make the decision-making processes that influence financial legislation more inclusive and transparent - to reflect the wants and needs of the people, championed by a governing body that is committed to serving its constituents.
To assist in achieving these shared goals, I have two requests that I would appreciate your help in facilitating:
- Can the UK Gov. please upload all details and related materials from Friday's June 14th meeting to an openly public platform such as: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digitisation-taskforce, along with any and all future updates, for our collective review.
- Moving forward, can this government please surpass its predecessors by outlining how they will be including us within future discussions - this will help us stay informed and allow us to guide/influence the decision-making process accordingly.
While the former UK Economic Secretary, Bim Afolami, argued that it was inappropriate for the Government to engage with the Taskforce, this exclusion was misguided. The decisions made here will significantly affect the public and the legality of asset ownership. Itโs essential for this government to rectify this oversight by actively including us in the process, ensuring our voice is heard and our interests are represented.
As such, we thank you for being a representative we can entrust to advocate for our interests and ensure our concerns are addressed.
I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your continued efforts in championing transparency and engagement within financial legislation.
[Household Investor]
That's it.

And what's better?
It's super easy to find their number, just follow this link: https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP
If you give them a ring, you can use the talking template below:
โ๏ธ Good [Morning/Afternoon], [MP's Name].
โ๏ธ My name is [Your Name], and I'm a resident in your constituency and I wanted to follow up with the recent update shared by the UK Digitisation Taskforce.
โ๏ธ On Friday June 14th, 2024, a meeting took place to discuss this but unfortunately, the public were not adequately informed about it, nor was access made readily easy for us - and so we missed it.
โ๏ธ Given the absence of any public info available, I was hoping you could assist.
โ๏ธ It is important that the Digitisation Taskforce cease in their advocation for the mandatory removal of shares ownership as moved into a Central Securities Depository within the digitsation process.
โ๏ธ As household investors, we do not wish to become the beneficial owners of our own assets.
โ๏ธ We need to be included in these conversations to ensure our voice is heard and our interests are represented, and our assets protected.
โ๏ธ I believe in the importance of transparency and inclusivity in decision-making processes that affect financial legislation. And hope you share this want with us.
โ๏ธ I am requesting that all details and materials shared from Friday's June 14th meeting, are uploaded and shared to an openly public platform.
โ๏ธ I would like to ask that moving forward this government do more to include us in these processes so we can be across the discussion and guide/influence it accordingly.
โ๏ธ Thank you for your help and time.

The UK's Digitisation Proposal doesn't just affect the UK - this is a blueprint for global shareholder rights erosion.
If they can sneak through legislation changes in the UK to change the ownership rights of assets, this sets a precedent for household investors and can jeopardise property rights everywhere.
Just because it's not happening to you now, doesn't mean it can't happen to you later. So let's stop this before it affects any of us.

Here's how you can get involved:
Just send some variation of this email template:
Hi there
On Friday June 14th, 2024, a meeting took place to provide an update on the surrounding conversation of modernising the UKโs shareholding framework.
Unfortunately, the public were not adequately informed about it, nor was access made readily easy for us, and so we missed it.
It is important that the Digitisation Taskforce cease in their advocation for the mandatory removal of shares ownership as they are moved into a Central Securities Depository. As household investors, we do not wish to become the beneficial owners of our own assets.
As such, we request to be included in all communications and for the Taskforce to recognise the importance of our representation in the decision-making processes affecting financial legislation.
Can I request that the meeting details, with all related materials, be uploaded to an open platform (such as this: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digitisation-taskforce), along with any and all future updates, for our collective review.
Looking forward to hearing from you and many thanks for your continued help and assistance in championing transparency and engagement,
[Household Investor]
To: [email protected]
& CC' in Computershare: [email protected]
And that's it.
You're literally done. Now all you have to do is put your feet up and relax.

If you've been clever enough to reach out (๐ฌ๐ง+ ๐) why not share the proof here and inspire others to get involved?
Each of us make a ripple in this world but together, we can create waves.
Let's hold the UK Government accountable as we continue in our question to be included within the conversation. Labour Party, here's looking at you kid.
Be a champion and get involved.

- UK Apes can contact their MPs via email & phone to request an update on the work as being performed by the UK Digitisation Taskforce.
- Apes Worldwide can also send their emails to [email protected] & [email protected] to chase a response. Email template above.
- Feel free to make your own using: https://chatgpt.com/ **Just be sure to proofread and fact check your responses. You're the fact checker, not the AI.
- It takes two minutes to do.
- You ready to go and change the world? Go be a hero ๐ช
Pigeon out โ๏ธ