This is your moment. Will you step up when you're needed most? Submit your evidence to the SEC, to save the world from Wall Street.
Superstonk Community Post. If you've spotted anything fishy on Wall Street—mischief, misconduct, or market manipulation—act now and submit your findings to the SEC.

Howdy folks 👋
Have our financial markets got you feeling like this?

Yeah, me too.
Wanna go do something about it?
🎬 The Big Short (2015), Dir. Adam McKay
Check out the full scene here.
Because it seems we're being beckoned.

Tweet here.
And what do we do when the world is calling out for a hero?

We answer.
Superstonk - the universe is calling.
Because the world needs your help.

You have a very particular set of skills.
Skills that you have acquired over a very long time. Skills that make you a nightmare for people like Wall Street.
Yes, apes.
I am talking about your super skills as world-renowned master detectives. With a nose honed to sniff out the mightiest of bullshit and a knack for leaving no stone unturned - this truly is your time to shine. Because no one can unearth the secrets Wall Street try to keep hidden quite like you can.
I mean, you guys make this stuff look easy.
And it's this skill that we must unleash upon the world. Together, we must work to rescue everyone from Wall Street's oppressive grasp.
And only you can do it.

This isn't about whatever hang ups you have about the SEC. This isn't even about Gary.
This is about us - doing what we do best.
Because the world needs our help right now, and you have the power to help them.

We are held hostage to widespread corruption and manipulation that undermine our financial liberty and market integrity. We are all victims of these vicious cycles of crime and here you are - the enlightened apes standing on the outside of this matrix - holding the keys to setting the world free.
Are you ready to show them why you're a force to be reckoned with?

It's not enough just to dream of MOASS, each of us play an important role in making that happen.
We are the catalyst of change - and every single one of us holds the power to bring forward the end game. And we do that by exposing Wall Street's crimes, forcing them into the light and holding them accountable.
It's what they fear most.
Now is the time to act. The dying planet needs you. The generation of tomorrow needs you.
The SEC needs you.
We have a community of highly intelligent, capable, and gifted people here, spanning from all corners of the globe. Each armed with their own special talents, skills, and insights.
You are a collective that have dedicated the past three years of your lives to digging up information to enrich this community's learning and understanding; to empower, strengthen, and uplift.
Now - it's time to make that count for something, as we come together to expose Wall Street for who they are.

We start by recognising the value of teamwork.
And what better way to do this than with Marvel's Avengers Endgame.
In Endgame - there's this scene where Captain America, the resident good guy, is locked in a battle with a fella named Thanos.
Thanos is hell-bent on wiping out half the universe. He's already done it once so that's why Cap here is giving it everything he's got to shut this shit down before he does it again.
But Cap is tired. He's beaten, bruised - and he's been at this a while.
But like the hero he is, Cap's not giving up.

Thanos, on the other hand, is only just getting started. He ushers in his entourage, further tipping the scales in his favor and is ready to get the show on the road.
Cap is now dangerously outnumbered, and is facing the stark reality that alone, it’s probably not going to be enough to win.
But just when it seemed defeat was certain.... something truly incredible happens.

The gates burst open—and out emerge the rest of the Avenging cavalry, ready to join the fight alongside him.
Cap was no longer alone.

Life was breathed back into battle. The Avengers, together, became an indomitable force that threatened even the most impossible of task. Because together, they were stronger.
And the magnificence of this moment was truly encapsulated when Cap' uttered just two legendary words:
"Avengers, assemble."

Just like that, the fear was lifted. Hope and excitement fueled the anticipation of their victory, and their collective forged a strength that made them unstoppable.
And you know what?
It was fucking glorious.

Stronger, Together.
Overcoming evil and defeating the bad guy—it's never been just about that one person. It's always ever been the collective effort of people coming together and fighting for what's right.
In Ready Player One, they came together to protect the Oasis. And together, they won.

Lord of the Rings, they came together and to defend the realm of Middle-earth. And together, they won.

- In Star Wars, the Rebel Alliance came together to overthrow the Galactic Empire. And together, they won.
- In The Hunger Games, the districts came together to take on the capitol. And together, they won.
- In Harry Potter, the school came together to take on Voldemort and protect Hogwarts. And together, they won.
- In The Matrix, the humans came together to take on the machines. And together, they won.
When faced against a great evil, time and time again we are reminded that the key to our success has always been in our working together.
It is our strength.
We need to rely on each other, trust each other. We are a team.

MOASS not be defined solely by the actions of just one person, be it RC, DFV or whoever. It will be defined by all those who strive to make a difference - and we choose which role we play and how it is that our legacy will be remembered.
How do you want to be remembered?
- 🎬 Avengers: Endgame (2019), Dir. Anthony Russo, Joe Russo.
- 🎬 Ready Player One (2018). Dir. Stephen Spielberg.
- 🎬 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Dir. Peter Jackson.
- 🎬 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Dir. Rupert Wyatt.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Holding Wall Street accountable and exposing their crimes is the end goal here. Whatever your feelings about the SEC, put them aside. We need to work with our regulators to address crime within our financial markets. That is the bottom line.
And just like Cap here, they cannot do this alone.
The SEC needs us there to be fighting alongside them. As we pool together all our resources to take down the very entity that holds our freedoms prisoner.
The SEC are not our enemy.
We are on the same team, with the same goals - working together.
Not all of them are perfect - hey, neither are we. We will hold accountable anyone who, in their role, did not do all they could to uphold their duty to defend market integrity and fight to do what's right.
But we need to share with them in this opportunity to rebuild trust. Gary has extended the invitation - so let's be gracious enough to accept.
Gary - your inclusion of us is appreciated. We thank you for your recognition of our value.
Superstonk - Remember, this isn't about you or any personal feelings you may hold toward the agency.
This is about us - taking down Wall Street, together. It's about freeing ourselves from this existence. It's about helping our loved ones, our neighbours, our friends. It's about helping everyone out of this bullshit system.
Empathy O'Clock: Checking in on our humanity.
Imagine this.
You're working at the SEC. Wall Street have been coming at you hard - defunding you every which way direction and you're quickly being stripped of all your powers, money and resources.
Because those committing the crimes in the very financial markets you're trying to regulate are buying off Congress to stonewall your abilty to do exactly that. (Read more about it here).
And now - because you're so underfunded - you're dangerously under staffed but there's still a hell of a lot of work to do because there's so much rampant crime out there, and you've got no time/resources to manage it all.
Not to mention the politics involved.
And to make it worse, you've got the internet shouting at you because you're not working hard or fast enough.

So here you are: burnt out, tired, exhausted. Slowly losing the will to live.
And as you sit there thinking - slumped over your desk and feeling like all hope is lost - this beautiful little idea pops into your head.
That's when the light bulb goes off.

And the thought, well, it's magical. Because you know exactly who can help you.
There's only one group of people in the entire world who have exactly what it takes to take on the giants of Wall Street, and boy - they've just spent the last three years of their life proving why they are the ultimate threat.
Your senses are tingling just at the thought of it.
And it's none other than these guys.

The Superstonk Superheros, The Ape Avengers.
The heroes who are about to set the world free.

Exciting, right?
These superheroes of Superstonk are the kick-ass, relentless apes that go hard against injustice. They know no bounds when it comes to sniffing out bullshit and digging up evidence.
So of course you think to yourself - "Hey, I'm going to reach out to these excellently talented folk and send them a tweet. Because we're stronger together, right?"
And why not?
Slogging away and working your ass off at the SEC - who better to ask for help than the guys who share the same endgame? Liberation baby!
What could possibly go wrong?
...... one tweet later📱
You go online...
And you see this:


Cold Superstonk, cold.
Negative, sarcastic. Just plain ol' mean. It's a sad day for us heroes out there when this is the response people get when they reach out for help, that's for sure.
We get to choose how this story ends.
There's nothing good to come from comments like: "they deserve it", "I don't care", or "I was just having a little bit of fun".
They show us to be uncaring, unfeeling - and that's not what this community is about. Instead we take a moment here to reflect in recognition of the greatest strength we hold. And that is our empathy.
Nothing makes us stronger than our caring.
We use this to lift each other up, rising above all the hate/division/negativity and only when we're all sharing in our compassion and understanding, do we truly succeed.
Be nice. Be kind, be most excellent to each other. We're trying to change the world here, so don't throw water on the fire before we've really started to get this lit.

That's the spirit.

Yes, you do.
Everyone does. Every single person has inside of them what it takes to be a hero. Because being a hero isn't about being the biggest, the smartest, the strongest or the fastest. It's about doing what is right - and we all hold that power.
See the strength in your excellence.
We've got quite the opportunity here on our hands to make something special happen. Imagine; the SEC's resources coupled with our talent, skill and intellect? We'd be an unstoppable force.
So what's stopping you?
Go do something inspiring. Be a hero.
Make your legacy count.
And Wall Street - you had better be ready for us, because shit is about to get real. 🔥 💥 🍻

This is a straight forward process, and I'm about to show you how.
Click the link here:

Follow these instructions:

Four simple clicks.
That's it.
Now we move onto the actual submission itself. It may look like a lot, but it isn't.
In fact - it's quite straight forward.

Might need the ol' zoom in. But here it is, all laid out for you.
It's really not that hard at all, you just gotta click a few buttons and select a few boxes and decide which hedgefund/bank or any other nefarious financial institution you are going to take down today.
Simple, huh?
Truly, anyone here can be a hero and submit their evidence to the SEC.

Remember folk -
We are stronger together, and the SEC recognise this. They recognise you and the role you play here, and how incredibly powerful and strong you are.
- Stop fighting
- Stop the division.
Let's work together, just as heroes do.

- Go submit your evidence to the SEC
- via:
- Go be a hero Superstonk.